Nearly two months have passed since tragedy struck at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center in May, but community-wide support remains unwavering. Commonwealth Brewing Company recently announced the arrival of LoveStrong IPA, a benefit brew that will donate 100 percent of its proceeds to the United Way Virginia Beach Tragedy Fund. The exclusive pink can will be available in the taproom starting Friday, July 26.
Complementing the Friday release are live performances by Lena Klett and Swell Luck, as well as food truck bites from Slide Thru #FAM and Joysicles Gourment Pops. Speaking to the mission of LoveStrong is Commonwealth owner and head brewer Jeramy Biggie. “Creating LoveStrong is our brewery family’s way of supporting the families of the victims and helping cultivate love and healing in our community,” he says. “The name is a true reflection of the people of Virginia Beach and the outpouring of love and support provided for those impacted by this tragedy.”
Taproom pours are expected to go quickly, but the benefit IPA will be distributed by Hoffman Beverage to a host of restaurants in Norfolk and Virginia Beach beginning July 29. LoveStrong will be available at Prosperity Kitchen and Pantry, Whiskey Kitchen, Beachside Social, Aloha Snacks, Bottlecraft Virginia Beach, The Casual Pint, Whole Foods, Grape & Gourmet, The Birch, The Public House, Gosport Tavern, Jack Brown’s, bottleBOX and all TASTE locations. Partnering restaurants will also donate a portion of proceeds to the Virginia Beach Tragedy Fund.
Grace Silipigni
Grace Silipigni is an elementary school Spanish immersion teacher based in Virginia Beach and a regular contributor to Coastal Virginia Magazine, covering a wide range of topics such as health and wellness, education and learning, food and drink, happenings and events, travel and getaways and more.
- Grace Silipigni#molongui-disabled-linkMay 20, 2019
- Grace Silipigni#molongui-disabled-linkDecember 15, 2017